Make Loan Payments

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Convenient Loan Payment Options

Pay, your way! We offer many convenient options to make it easy for you to make your PremierOne Credit Union loan payment.

Transfer from your PremierOne Credit Union or External Account  

  • Login to eBranch via our mobile app or online to transfer funds. Transfers can be done instantly, scheduled in advance, and processed one-time or at a frequency of your choice.


e-Z Pay*

  • Fast and simple way to make a one-time payment online from another financial institution with a debit/credit card or by eCheck. *(Subject to review)


ACH Automatic Payment 

  • Submit this form to authorize PremierOne Credit Union to initiate automatic payments from your account at another financial institution.


*e-Z Pay payments are subject to secondary review and posting, and will be processed within 2 business days. Payment requests submitted after 5:00 PM PST, or on a non-business day, will be received the following business day for review and processing. If there are any issues with processing your payment request, a representative will reach out to you to discuss the status of your loan. PremierOne has the right to return or refuse an online payment if your loan is currently in default.


Contact us or email us if you have any questions.


Additional Educational Resources:



New Auto*


11-Month Share Certificate*


Home Equity Line of Credit*




More Rates


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